Friday, May 24, 2019

Original Poem: Untitled

Yep, it's another poem. I never really knew what to call this one. It's not really a poem either, it's more like one long stream of consciousness. This is the first thing I wrote in my new notebook, and it's from July of last year. Hope you like it!

Wouldn't it be cool if the stars had thoughts?
Like they've watched everything that happened since God created them.
They are the only ones to have witnessed all of history besides God himself.
What kind of conversations would they have?
Probably about how foolish humans are.
We're simply not that smart.
And the stars would know, of all things.
Because they would have watched history repeat itself over and over and over again.
They would know better than anyone that humans never learn, never change.
Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.
maybe the stars would talk of how they could help us.
If there was any way to break the vicious cycle.
Or maybe they don't care at all.
They are the more superior life forms after all, so why should they care about any of us anyway?
I think I might like to be a star.
I wouldn't worry about the humans on Earth, or any of the other planets.
Let them figure they're own problems out.
No, I would be content to just hang in the sky, not a care in the world.
Untitled all rights reserved. T. Cwanek 7/9/18 

Like I said, I have no idea what this is, but all the same, I hope it was fun to read!

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