Tuesday, August 13, 2019


          Two months? What? No of course I didn't forget about my blog all summer. That would be absolutely ridiculous. Hey, yeah don't worry, I'm still here, just posting whenever I please...................don't mind me..............if you check back every month or so there might be something new...........*shrug*........I don't know what to tell you other than I'm a crappy schedule keeper........I guess just tune in if you feel like it and I'm sorry I barely ever post.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Original Poem: Burning Ships

So the idea for this one came from the title of For KING & COUNTRY's new album, which was released in August of last year. The album was titled Burn The Ships. The song "Burn the ships", for which the album was named, talks about different addictions, using the idea of burning the ships as an analogy for being unable to go back once you cut the ties from something so toxic. My poem is not inspired by the words of the song, so much as the title. I think the idea of burning ships is a really interesting and artistic concept. Also in my case, the concept takes on a completely different meaning. Enjoy!

Burning Ships
At the edge of the ocean I stood, aghast,
as orange flames shot up the mast.
The hull, which had been scrubbed 'til it flashed,
was slowly turning into ash.
All the rigging engulfed in fire,
from afar looked to be glowing wire.
The sails on their frames collapsed and broke free,
and blazing canvas met roaring sea.
All this I watched from the nearby shore.
moist eyes wide in silent horror,
as the once stunning vessel became no more.
Now only a ghost of it's former self.
All that was left was burned out shell.
One final sigh of life it gave,
before descending into the waves,
and coming to rest in an undersea grave.
Splinters of debris washed up on the land,
as the sun finally rose and I sat on the sand.
This is all that is left, it seems.
Just broken thoughts and spiraling dreams.
Far in the distance, more fires ignite.
Their glows become stronger as day turns to night.
A mind can be stretched 'til it finally rips,
and all that is left is burning ships.
Burning Ships all rights reserved. T. Cwanek 7/16/18

Friday, May 24, 2019

Original Poem: Untitled

Yep, it's another poem. I never really knew what to call this one. It's not really a poem either, it's more like one long stream of consciousness. This is the first thing I wrote in my new notebook, and it's from July of last year. Hope you like it!

Wouldn't it be cool if the stars had thoughts?
Like they've watched everything that happened since God created them.
They are the only ones to have witnessed all of history besides God himself.
What kind of conversations would they have?
Probably about how foolish humans are.
We're simply not that smart.
And the stars would know, of all things.
Because they would have watched history repeat itself over and over and over again.
They would know better than anyone that humans never learn, never change.
Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.
maybe the stars would talk of how they could help us.
If there was any way to break the vicious cycle.
Or maybe they don't care at all.
They are the more superior life forms after all, so why should they care about any of us anyway?
I think I might like to be a star.
I wouldn't worry about the humans on Earth, or any of the other planets.
Let them figure they're own problems out.
No, I would be content to just hang in the sky, not a care in the world.
Untitled all rights reserved. T. Cwanek 7/9/18 

Like I said, I have no idea what this is, but all the same, I hope it was fun to read!

The Update's Update

Welp. Didn't make any good on that promise did I? Sorry guys. I even missed this blog's 1 year anniversary, not that I've posted all that much over the last year. I kinda suck at this whole "sticking to a schedule" thing. Anyway, I guess this is just kind of an update from the update. Yes, I swear I'm still here. And now that I have a little more free time (at least for the next few weeks) I should be posting at least a little bit more regularly. Sooooo yeah I guess that's all I have to say.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Oh hi, you're still here?

     Hey guys. So it's been a minute or two. And by that I mean like seven months but pssshhhh it hasn't been THAT long :) In all seriousness, I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in forever. Life is reeeeeaaaly crazy right now so I'll try to post when I can, but it probably won't be all that regularly or weekly. Um yup this is basically just a little update to say "hey. Don't worry. I'm not dead." Sooooo yeah I think that's all for now. I hope to be posting again very very soon :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

End of the Notebook

     Sup Ya'll? So today my post is something I wrote on the very last page of a notebook. I'd had the notebook for about nine months and had written a lot of personal stuff in there. When it came to the last pages, I was really sad. Maybe I'm just overly sentimental but it felt a little like losing a friend. When I reached the end I didn't want the last page to just have some random song lyrics. So I wrote this piece as a sort of......tribute I guess. Kinda silly, writing a tribute for a notebook, but it made me feel better about letting it go, even as I started a new notebook. I don't know if I'd call it a poem exactly, but I hope you like it anyway!

End of the Notebook
I hope in the past nine months I've changed.
This notebook recorded all of my pain. 
But it captured the happy moments too. 
And it caught all the times that I needed You. 
The happy and sad times, the good and the bad times. 
I wrote it all down, the smiles and the frowns, 
songs fabricated, the worlds I created. 
I always took a note, so if you wanna know,
look inside this notebook and you'll look inside my head. 
The stories I brought to life the songs I left dead. 
The times I was hurting and needed a light. 
The times that I worshiped my Lord Jesus Christ. 
When Life was ok, when I had a good day,
when things got hard, or I just played a part. 
The times when I should've slept,
the secrets I would've kept,
if it hadn't been for a song within just dying to get out. 
A song that was reaching up for the clouds. 
So know this without a single a doubt, 
I've got no plans of burning out. 
Heck I'm gonna scream and shout. 
The world will know what I'm about. 
And so if you're reading this it means you've reached the end. 
It feels a little like I'm saying goodbye to a friend. 
But I'll find another notebook just you wait and see. 
You have not by any shot seen the last of me. 
End of the Notebook all rights reserved T. Cwanek 5/11/18 

     Please know that just because I finished that notebook doesn't mean I'm out of poems. I started writing in a new notebook and there's plenty to write about! And if and when I do run out, there's always song lyrics :) Anyway, that's all for today. Keep being awesome my peeps! 


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Original Poem: Rainy Day

     Hey Guys! Got a short poem today. The only inspiration for this is it was pouring really hard one night and I felt like writing about rain. Enjoy!

Rainy Day
Gray sky,
raindrops slide down the window.
Clouds cry,
damp and cold,
raindrops roll down my face.
Blue umbrellas,
red rubber boots,
puddle splashing,
soaked through.
Thunder crack,
lightning shred,
safe inside here in bed.
Curled up on the couch,
blanket, book and hot chocolate.
By the window
watch it pour.
I'll be sad when it doesn't anymore.
Rainy Day all rights reserved. T. Cwanek 5/9/18 

Let me know what movies I should review next!